New DeCicco & Sons at Edge-on-Hudson Raises The Retail Grocery Bar

DeCicco & Sons expands with a breathtaking glass-enclosed beer and wine café, overlooking the Hudson.

By Bar­rett Sea­man—

Food shop­pers in the river­towns have long rec­og­nized the De­Ci­cco & Sons su­per­mar­ket in Ard­s­ley as be­ing a cut above the av­er­age gro­cer. Known par­tic­u­larly for its gourmet food sec­tion and beer de­part­ment, the store, which opened in 2006, was a first of 11 in Westch­ester.

Next year, there will be 12, the lat­est now ap­proved for con­struc­tion near the en­trance to Sleepy Hol­low’s 70-acre Edge-on-Hud­son com­plex that will even­tu­ally have nearly 1,200 units of town­houses, con­do­mini­ums and apart­ments, plus a 140-room bou­tique ho­tel, 135,000 square feet of re­tail space and 35,000 square feet of of­fice space on what was the site of the old Gen­eral Mo­tors as­sem­bly plant.

The new De­Ci­c­co’s will be 30,000 square feet with a brick ex­te­rior on the ground floor and a sec­ond-floor glass-en­closed beer and wine café fac­ing the Hud­son. It will also have an ad­ja­cent 10,000 square foot re­tail space, half of which will house a phar­macy. Con­struc­tion will fol­low LEED cer­ti­fi­ca­tion stan­dards, us­ing re­claimed brick and tim­ber and will in­clude a co2-based nat­ural re­frig­er­a­tion sys­tem that re­cy­cles heat dur­ing cold weather months.

The new store will open some­time in 2022.